Meet our girl Hazel! She is up for Adoption. Hazel is 1½yr old 65lb female Rottweiler. Her personality is spunky, puppy like attitude, great with all dogs, very playful, loves all humans as well. Hazel was a stray that was rescued by a family with dogs. Their dogs could not accept her around. They tried for a couple months in hopes time would help but it didn't. So ROLV accepted miss Hazel into our rescue. If you would like to meet Hazel to potentially adopt her please visit our website at Rottsoflv.com to fill out an Adoption Application by Clicking on our menu bar. Click on Forms. Click on Adoption Application. Once the application is fully complete. You will receive the address to meet with our president of the rescue and our girl Hazel. Thank you to all of our supporters!
Meet & Greet date is this
Sunday February 6th starting at 3:30pm.
ROLV looks forward to meeting you 🤝
Is Hazel still available?
I am interested in Vinny. Is he still up for adoption?. The problem is I'm in Rochester NY